
Read the 1Berkshire Blog

Economic Development

The core of 1Berkshire’s mission is to advance Berkshire County’s economy by advocating for the regional business community. This is the work of our Economic Development team.

Marketing & Tourism Promotion

The other part of 1Berkshire’s mission is to attract visitors, residents, and businesses to Berkshire County by promoting the region as a desirable place to visit, live, work, and invest in. This means providing opportunities to our members to showcase their products, services, and events. This is the work of our Marketing team.

Member Services

1Berkshire is a membership organization. Member dues help us keep our doors open so we can do the important work of economic development and tourism promotion. Membership comes with a plethora of benefits and invites businesses and nonprofits of all sizes into a connected community powerfully-resourced network.  This is the work of our Marketing team.

806, 2021

Renew Your Membership or Join Today

By |June 8th, 2021|News|

When We Succeed, So Do You & Your Business Coming Soon: New 1Berkshire Membership Levels & Pricing In response to the pandemic and resulting financial hardship for so many of our local businesses, 1Berkshire

All Other News

The below posts feature news, programs, resources, events, and more that impact our shared community.

1811, 2024

2024 Economic Development Update

November 18th, 2024|News|

Photo by Julia Jacobsson Greetings from 1Berkshire’s Economic Development Team!  It’s been quite a year so far! We’ve been hard at work on some exciting events and projects since we last checked