Yuki Cohen – 2018 Women in Business Interview

Yuki Cohen at Methuselah

Name: Yuki Cohen
Place of Employment:  Methuselah Bar and Lounge
Title: Proprietress

What is your 3 sentence biography? / What is your personal elevator pitch?
Youngest of three daughters of humble Korean Immigrant parents, whose search for a better life for their family led to immigrations to first Brazil and then to the land of opportunities and every immigrants’ dreamland, the United States of America.   I feel so incredibly grateful for the opportunities I’ve been able to take advantage of, because I was lucky enough to be an American citizen – the education I was able to pursue combined with hard work and a little luck, allowed me to take a peek into the world of the 1%.   After feeling unfulfilled by the promised “American Dream”, and following the failure of my marriage, with two small girls to raise and inspire, I thought up Methuselah, in order to follow my newly discovered passion of the hospitality industry and the renewed faith in the human spirit (surprise!) through the people I met within and through this industry.   So with incredible fear of failure, but full of passion and determination, I forged ahead with Methuselah.

Tell us about a challenge you faced on your path, and what you learned from it.
I believe the biggest challenge was the obstacles I created myself.   I think we all fear failure and the fallout from that failure. Getting past that fear wasn’t easy, but I thought if not now, when?   I kept thinking of a saying I saw: “you don’t need to see the whole staircase, just the first step”. So I just kept climbing one step at a time.

What “secret to success” would you share with young women entering the (Berkshire) workforce?
Ah, very good question and a very important one.   I know I grew up in a very patriarchal culture where women were considered second-class citizens.  Although my culture at the time is a very exaggerated version, women face obstacles every day that most men do not.   This is the harsh reality. I would love to tell young women, and if I could go back and see my 25-year-old self, I would say this:  Believe in yourself and do not listen to anyone but what is deep in your heart and gut. You know deep down what resonates as true and right for you, no one else does.   In order to open my business, I faced fierce opposition and ridicule from people who were very close to me. I almost crumbled at the pressure and desire to please my family and to stop the negative feedback, but I knew I had something to contribute and create and I just had to try it once.    I would also say don’t be afraid to ask for help and surround yourself with people who know more than you do.

What Berkshire women in business inspire you and why?  
There are so many women in the Berkshires that I admire!   Gosh, is so hard to pick just one, but here are a few that come to mind.  My best friend and muse Rachael Plaine, of Berkshire Yoga Dance and Fitness.  I admire her big heart, hard work, vulnerability and beauty that she brings to every class I have taken with her.  I admire Alexandra Dest who I’ve had the privilege to work with for the last few years at her investment boutique firm ADCM, LLC.  She brings such fierce intelligence and strength but has such an inspiring spiritual side the dichotomy of who she is allows you to believe you can be anything as long as you do it for your highest good.    The block that Methuselah resides in is full of amazing women! Jessie Rufo from Dottie’s, Jenny Benson from Mission, Gillian Gorman from Radiance Yoga. All incredibly strong women whose strength seems to come from their big, open hearts, bravery, resilience, and perseverance.   Also making my list is Kristen Van Ginhoven from WAM, Molly Lyon from Frankie’s.

2018-10-05T09:41:27-04:00October 3rd, 2018|Categories: Women in Business|Tags: |

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