You are receiving this newsletter because you are affiliated with the Berkshire Chamber, the Berkshire Visitors Bureau or Berkshire Creative. You’ve been hearing us talk about this collaboration for a while now and we are pleased to tell you that we are on the brink of something incredible.
When we started this conversation, the premise was that by bringing together all of the countywide organizations involved in economic development we would work more efficiently on serious issues that affect the future of Berkshire County. Along the way, we discovered that, in fact, this is true. We ARE stronger together than individually. You, our members and supporters, reap the benefit of this partnership. Evident this past September, as we hosted 400 people at our 5th annual Celebrate the Berkshires event (pictured above), where we recognized businesses and individuals who embodied that innovative and collaborative spirit.
Practically speaking, we know that all of us get too many emails! This e-newsletter is designed to be a central place, where you will find the latest information on all our events, cooperative opportunities, and programs. All of which support you and your business.
1Berkshire effectively brings together so many diverse communities of people – in hospitality and tourism, in business development, and in the creative industry. We hope you will share in our enthusiastic approach to spreading the word about this place we all love. The Berkshires is a special place and working together, we believe we can make a real difference. Join us!
Jonathan Butler, COO and President, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce
Lauri Klefos, CMO and President, Berkshire Visitors Bureau