20 09, 2022

Growing date palms

2022-09-20T13:38:54-04:00September 20th, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , |

1Berkshire joins with community partners to lay the groundwork for an Inclusive digital economy now and for the future. By Benjamin Lamb Posted September 19, 2022 The Berkshires has long been the fertile ground

3 08, 2022

For Immediate Release: ArtWeek Berkshires 2022 Offers County-Wide Cultural Celebration

2022-08-11T14:12:38-04:00August 3rd, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

For Immediate Release: August 3, 2022   Press Contacts:  Lindsey Schmid, 1Berkshire | 413.499.1600 x131 | lschmid@1berkshire.com Laura Brennan, BRPC | 413.442.1521 x14 | lbrennan@berkshireplanning.org Cecilia Hirsch, Williams College | 413.597.4587 | hirschcecilia7@gmail.com ArtWeek Berkshires