Lauri O. Klefos – 2018 Women in Business Interview

Lauri Klefos

Name:  Lauri O. Klefos
Place of Employment: 1Berkshire
Title: Executive Vice President

What is your 3 sentence biography? / What is your personal elevator pitch?
I have been lucky enough to build a career in marketing unique and memorable destinations for the past 25 years… first as Tourism Director for the State of New Hampshire, then as the advertising agency working for the State of Arizona, and now as the regional tourism Director for the Berkshires. The business of destination marketing touches all of us personally as we welcome visitors and new residents or we are the ones being welcomed to a new place.

Tell us about a challenge you faced on your path, and what you learned from it.
The consistent challenge throughout my career has been the politics involved in bringing an idea to fruition. Politics occur in dealing with employees, with bosses, and most definitely with the public. As an official spokesperson for an organization, I have learned to always address both sides of an issue until I was sure of my audience, and not take push-back personally.

What “secret to success” would you share with young women entering the (Berkshire) workforce?
My best advice to young women today is to first listen, then speak up and be confident in doing so. Often this means learning more about a topic so that you can make your position clear by using examples instead of just your personal opinion. Most importantly, don’t fake it and never be afraid to admit you don’t know… but then take the time after to find out the answer and follow up with more information.  Make your view count!

What Berkshire women in business inspire you and why?
Two women come to mind immediately! Susan Wissler, the Executive Director at the Mount took over an impossible situation on the brink of closure and turned it around, and Kate Maguire who brought together seemingly competitive organizations to create the Berkshire Theatre Group and make both thrive.  Both of these dedicated women demonstrated strength and kindness throughout the process and have the reputation today of someone you can always count on.

2018-10-24T11:08:22-04:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Women in Business|Tags: |

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