Kristen van Ginhoven is the Artistic Director of WAM Theatre, which she co-founded in 2010. Based in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, WAM Theatre is Where Arts and Activism Meet. WAM’s vision is to create opportunity for women and girls through a mission of theatre as philanthropy. In eight years, WAM has produced twelve mainstage productions, provided paid work for more than 200 theatre professionals, and donated more than $41,500 to local and global organizations taking action for women and girls in areas such as girls education, teen pregnancy prevention, sexual trafficking awareness, midwife training, and more. Read more about Kristen van Ginhoven and WAM Theatre >>
Kristen van Ginhoven: Artistic Director of WAM Theatre
Lindsey Schmid2018-02-15T15:11:35-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: #liveBRK, News|Tags: 1Berkshire Assisted, National Press|