Elaine Hoffman – 2018 Women in Business Interview

Elaine Hoffman

Name: Elaine Hoffman
Place of Employment: Hoffman Pottery

What is your 3 sentence biography? / What is your personal elevator pitch?
Having studied and worked in clay for over 50 years, I am Constantly enthused by my experimentation and evolution. By living in the midst of nature, my work continues to grow, as does the garden and the forest all around me. It is all about the tactility of breathing clean fresh air.

Tell us about a challenge you faced on your path, and what you learned from it.
I am challenged nearly daily as I make mistakes. “oh! That is what I need to try differently.” Often many times over before I learn.  That process is inspirational.

What “secret to success” would you share with young women entering the (Berkshire) workforce?
Keep working and looking at it. Over and over and over again. Practice and observation

What Berkshire women in business inspire you and why?
Jennifer Knopf of Flourish (store in West Stockbridge) continually blows my mind with her finds and how beautifully she restores and displays them. CREATIVITY at its best.

2018-10-05T09:36:52-04:00October 5th, 2018|Categories: Women in Business|Tags: |

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