Barbara Osborne – 2018 Women in Business Interview

Barbara Osborne

Name: Barbara Osborne
Place of Employment: Bishop West Real Estate, Hinsdale Office
Title: Real Estate Broker/Associate

What is your 3 sentence biography? / What is your personal elevator pitch?
I have finally found my niche in life, helping buyers and sellers in the real estate world through their transactions. Happily, I make the time to volunteer with many local, state and national real estate committees, local non-profits and community committees.

Tell us about the challenges you faced on your path, and what you learned from it.
Lack of communication is one of the greatest challenges in navigating the real estate world.  I’ve learned to always, always answer your phone, emails and text messages promptly to keep a transaction running smoothly.  On a personal note, I am a financially self-sufficient woman in a 100% commission business where I only get paid after months of work managing a sale through closing. I have learned that hard work, tenacity, follow through and a strong commitment to financial independence is the key to ongoing success. I make my own destiny.

What “secret to success” would you share with young women entering the (Berkshire) workforce?
Always honor your word, so others can trust what you say.  If you say you will do something, DO IT!

What Berkshire women in business inspire you and why?
Debbie Dwyer has been a woman I admire. She has lead me through many steps of leadership and volunteerism. Sandy Carroll has been another mentor that I look up to, her ability to help others is way above the bar.

2018-10-12T09:47:33-04:00October 12th, 2018|Categories: Women in Business|Tags: |

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