Entrepreneurial Programs
Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to start a business or a business owner looking to grow, you’re in the right place. From monthly networking opportunities to one-on-one business assistance, we will help you take your business to the next stage.

Entrepreneurial Meetups are great for building a business network. These free events have traditionally brought entrepreneurs together once a month to connect over coffee or drinks. Now being held virtually, these events continue to serve as great networking opportunities for local innovators.
EforAll Berkshire County
1Berkshire, alongside a number of regional stakeholders, is a proud partner of EforAll Berkshire County. EforAll Berkshire County is part of a network focused on accelerating economic and social impact and communities nationwide through inclusive entrepreneurship and programs include free pitch contests, business accelerators, and more!
Business Retention & Expansion Program (BREP)
BREP is your one-stop source for moving a business to the Berkshires or keeping one here. As the Regional Economic Development Organization, we have a network of partners with the best services possible for relocating or expanding your business. Looking for a bigger space to move your growing business? How about relocating from another state? We are here to help.
Latest News
1Berkshire Announces its Get Mentored Program
BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MA – 1Berkshire has announced a new program in their Berkshire Starts innovation and entrepreneurship initiative. This Get Mentored program exposes early stage entrepreneurs to mentors who can help guide the entrepreneurs' initial efforts to build a viable business. Last fall, 1Berkshire piloted a similar program over
Learning Experience for Both Sides With Business Bootcamp
At its most basic, the Business Bootcamp program introduced last winter through a collaboration between 1Berkshire and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) was intended as an intensive learning experience for participants in the early stages of business development. It was also a learning experience for organizers of the program, who have analyzed the results and feedback
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