Entrepreneurial Programs
Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to start a business or a business owner looking to grow, you’re in the right place. From monthly networking opportunities to one-on-one business assistance, we will help you take your business to the next stage.

Entrepreneurial Meetups are great for building a business network. These free events have traditionally brought entrepreneurs together once a month to connect over coffee or drinks. Now being held virtually, these events continue to serve as great networking opportunities for local innovators.
EforAll Berkshire County
1Berkshire, alongside a number of regional stakeholders, is a proud partner of EforAll Berkshire County. EforAll Berkshire County is part of a network focused on accelerating economic and social impact and communities nationwide through inclusive entrepreneurship and programs include free pitch contests, business accelerators, and more!
Business Retention & Expansion Program (BREP)
BREP is your one-stop source for moving a business to the Berkshires or keeping one here. As the Regional Economic Development Organization, we have a network of partners with the best services possible for relocating or expanding your business. Looking for a bigger space to move your growing business? How about relocating from another state? We are here to help.
Latest News
Local Entrepreneurs, Mentors Gather for First Meeting of 1Berkshire Get Mentored
BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MA – The Berkshire Starts Get Mentored program held its first meeting of the 2018-2019 session last week at the Stationery Factory in Dalton. Get Mentored, a program of 1Berkshire, helps a selected cohort of local entrepreneurs launch and grow their ventures over the course of a five-month
Berkshire Workforce Skills Cabinet Meets About Next Steps
BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MA – The Berkshire Workforce Skills Cabinet, co-chaired by MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board, 1Berkshire and Berkshire Community College met last week after receiving a $30,000 support grant from the state. This cabinet brings together sector leaders from education, private sector business, workforce development and economic development to
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