1Berkshire Programs
The Berkshires is a robust region in Western MA. It is fueled by companies and individuals that are committed to driving their community forward. 1Berkshire recognizes devoted community members and organizations every year through a set of awards and recognitions. Join us in supporting these good works to help the Berkshires bloom. 1Berkshire offers many different programs where individuals in the community can also network and learn more about the Berkshires as well. These programs allow B2B as well as personal connections to form which allows the Berkshires to grow strong as a community. Check out the 1Berkshire programs that we offer below, reach out if you have any questions!
BLP was established in 1997 to seek, prepare, and sustain leaders for our region. This program is ideal for individuals seeking advancement in their career or to broaden their network of personal and professional contacts; it also works well as an introduction to the region for any new arrivals to the Berkshires.
YLP program was launched in January 2010 and developed for high school juniors as a year-long program providing a detailed introduction to the business community in the region, with the assistance of both teachers and local business leaders.
The Berkshire Economic Recover Project (BERP) Technical Assistance Program is a cohort-based technical assistance series for small businesses and organizations located in the Berkshires of Massachusetts.
The Berkshire Immigrant Entrepreneurial Support Pilot Program is a 2-year program funded through a one-time earmark from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that aims to support the advancement of immigrant entrepreneurship within the 32 cities and towns of Berkshire County.
1Berkshire connects entrepreneurs and business owners with the people, places, and programs that you need to be successful. Berkshire Starts is a way to plug into opportunities, financial resources, available space, and a community of mentors who are here to help.
The Business Retention & Expansion Program (BREP) is your one-stop source for moving a business to the Berkshires or keeping one here. As the Regional Economic Development Organization, we have a network of partners with the best services possible.
A 5-week intensive series aimed to walk businesses through major aspects of developing, launching, and benefiting from a crowdfunding effort for starting a business, growing a business, or creating resiliency during a challenging time.
Email our Marketing Team or call (413) 499-1600.