Location: The Berkshire Eagle, Photo Credit: Ogden Gigli
2016 was a landmark year for 1Berkshire. Years of planning and hard work paid off in May with the final merger between the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, the Berkshire Visitors Bureau, and 1Berkshire. Since then, existing marketing efforts have continued to be very successful and a number of new initiatives were undertaken. One of the largest was adding messages to new and existing marketing plans with a focus on “live here” and “work here.”
1Berkshire’s 2016 Marketing efforts set an astonishing number of records including increasing email marketing sends 213%. Website traffic increased 141% due to implementing a new website and expanded search engine marketing campaigns for berkshires.org and 1berkshire.com. On the social media front, we expanded our following by 124%. We expect to build these numbers in the coming year.
One of the new branding initiatives is “Live BRK.” This initiative was started with the aim to deliver a powerful relocation message aimed at millennials. By utilizing social media, a growing ambassador program, and specially cultivated lists of deals and events, the Live BRK message is helping to bring the Berkshire message to a younger audience. In 2017, look for this message to be carried over into our monthly visitor enews. Soon we will be sending our list of 80,000+ opt-in subscribers both a visit here and live here message.

Location: The Berkshire Eagle, Photo Credit: Ogden Gigli
Another addition this year we will be an added public relations push. We will be working even more with Cathy Husid of Husid Media to get a strong visit and live in the Berkshire message out to the media. Cathy has worked with our marketing team over the last 5 years to successfully strengthen the “visit the Berkshires” message in a variety of media outlets. With her assistance, we are now working to push the message that the Berkshires is a great place to live, grow a business, start a business, and so much more.
Finally, one of the largest undertakings is the 2017 Official Guide to the Berkshires. This guide combines the benefits of the Berkshire Visitors Bureau’s Visitors Guide and the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce’s Community Guide all in one comprehensive booklet. There will be an expanded “live here” section with a variety of editorial along with an editorial on “After Dark in the Berkshires” as a way to appeal to a younger audience.
2017 looks to be a year of possibility for 1Berkshire, as our marketing efforts really begin to grow and change from just talking to visitors but to a much broader market. We look forward to you all supporting us and being a part of our endeavors. Remember, here in the Berkshires, life is calling.