Ty Allan Jackson is a children’s book author, publisher, literacy advocate, two-time TEDx presenter and motivational speaker. Ty travels across the country empowering children of all ages about the joy and power of reading. His books have been used by companies such as Google, The YMCA, The Boys and Girls Club and The United Way, as well as numerous financial institutions and countless schools across the country, inspiring children to dream big. He is also the co-founder of the Read Or Else movement, created to shine a light on the problem of illiteracy and to provide books to children in homeless shelters across America. You can learn more about Ty and his mission to promote literacy at BigHeadBooks.com and ReadOrElse.com. Read more about Big Head Books and the man behind them >>
Ty Allan Jackson – Author, Publisher, and Founder of Big Head Books
Lindsey Schmid2018-01-22T13:22:02-05:00January 9th, 2018|Categories: #liveBRK, News|Tags: 1Berkshire Assisted, National Press|