Rail expert: With finesse, passenger line from NYC to Berkshires can be restored

GREAT BARRINGTON — Nothing is easy.

Least of all restoring passenger service to the Berkshires from New York City on century-old rail owned by a freight company.

But it’s all about how you get the money, a railroad expert says.

“The list is long where there was no money,” said Vinay Mudholkar, an international transportation consultant. “There will be no railroad if you don’t push hard.”

It’s also about using finesse and tenacity in dealing with “bureaucrats” and rail companies, he said.

“You have to have that fire in you — don’t say you don’t have the money,” he told some naysayers in a small audience at St. James Place, where The Train Campaign had arranged for a presentation by Mudholkar. Read more about the restoration of the railways in the Berkshires.>>

2018-10-31T10:51:03-04:00March 26th, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: |

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