Pittsfield to Serve as Backdrop for Photography Project

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Sections of the city will be closed off the week of the 17th for photo shoots by photographer Gregory Crewdson.

Crewdson will be taking a series of still images using Pittsfield as the setting.

On Wednesday, July 17, Kellogg Street between Parker and Plunkett Streets will be shut down the Fire Department is putting on a controlled burn to be featured in the photograph.

On Friday, July 20 the film crew will move to Silver Lake Boulevard, at the corner of Fourth Street, for photos featuring actions in police and fire uniforms, and several emergency vehicles.

And on Sunday, July 22, the photos will be shot at the intersection of Fourth and Fenn. Five other shoots will occur at a private location.

“Do not mow” signs have been posted in some areas to prepare for the shoot. Read more about the series of photos.>>

2018-10-31T10:12:32-04:00July 7th, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: |

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