Part of 1Berkshire’s mission is to develop leaders. To this end, we facilitate two programs to mentor youth and professionals at all stages to foster skills necessary to lead successfully. Below you will find updates about these two programs: Berkshire Leadership Program and Youth Leadership Program.
1Berkshire hosts a number of programs that benefit the community, from support for entrepreneurs to technical assistance for small businesses. Read about all our programs here.

BLP Class of 2023
Berkshire Leadership Program
Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Berkshire Leadership Program (BLP). BLP seeks, prepares, involves, and sustains individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to improve the quality of life in the Berkshires. More than 640 community-minded individuals have graduated from the program since its inception in 1997. Each year, up to 30 candidates are selected to participate in the program.
Deadline for applications is Friday, January 12, 2024. Apply Here
The Class of 2024 will kick off with a two-day retreat Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27, which includes training in many facets of leadership, problem-solving techniques, and networking. The retreat is followed by weekly sessions held on Thursdays, May 2 – June 27, focusing on areas of economic development, healthcare, tourism, creative economy, housing, and community involvement.
The Berkshire Leadership Program is coordinated by 1Berkshire with the dynamic support of the volunteer BLP Steering Committee, composed of professionals from across the region who commit their time and expertise to develop and facilitate the entire program.
“The Berkshire Leadership Program is one of the most comprehensive ways to learn about the community and a great opportunity for additional professional development,” stated Christine Hoyt, 1Berkshire Director of Member Services and BLP Coordinator.
The deadline to apply for the Class of 2024 is Friday, January 12, 2024. The cost of tuition is $800; some scholarship dollars are available.
1Berkshire Youth Leadership Program
The Youth Leadership Program (YLP) seeks to support and help students in the Berkshires to be the diverse next generation of community leaders we need, preparing them for constructive and responsible involvement in community affairs while also thinking seriously about potential career pathways. Students apply during the middle of their Sophomore year and begin the program in June of their Sophomore year, followed by 10 months of monthly sessions and engagement over the course of their Junior year.
Throughout the 10-month program, students explore our region – its resources, leadership, issues, and opportunities. They share ideas and learn what it takes to become an inclusive leader, consensus builder, and effective decision-maker. Participants examine the functional areas of businesses and industries, professional leadership building, and the potential career pathways found right here in their own backyards. They explore civic responsibility and the various roles they can play in their communities to inspire a life-long commitment to the Berkshires.
More information about the 2024 cohort and the application process will be available soon. Check here to learn more and apply.