For Immediate Release: 1Berkshire’s Announces Trendsetter Award Winners at Celebrate the Berkshires

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Lindsey Schmid
SVP of Tourism & Marketing, 1Berkshire

 For Immediate Release

1Berkshire’s Announces Trendsetter Award Winners at Celebrate the Berkshires

Berkshire County, MA –9/19/2024 – 1Berkshire held its signature Celebrate the Berkshires event this evening at Pittsfield Municipal Airport. There were close to 250 people present as 1Berkshire honored The Fairbank Group for Putting the Berkshires on the Map and presented the highly coveted 2024 Berkshire Trendsetter Awards. The Trendsetter Awards recognize businesses, organizations, and individuals whose outstanding achievements and commitment have strengthened the economy and helped the Berkshires grow.

The winners are:

In the Driving Visitor Engagement category, the Norman Rockwell Museum was the winner. The Norman Rockwell Museum illuminates the power of American illustration art to reflect and shape society. The Norman Rockwell Museum welcomed What, Me Worry? The Art and Humor of MAD Magazine to the Berkshires this summer, which explores the art and satire of MAD, from its beginnings in 1952 as a popular humor comic book to its emergence as a beloved magazine that spoke truth to power. The exhibit has brought over 1,000 visitors through the museum a day; many are first time visitors to the museum and to the Berkshires.

Second Chance Composting was named Visionary of the Year. Second Chance is a fully licensed, certified, and insured family and locally-owned business offering drop-off, hauling, and processing of food scraps and other organic matter. It also sells finished compost in the Berkshires  and Southern Vermont.  As the first and only full-scale local community-based compost operation in the Northern Berkshires, Second Chance  provides community events, outreach, education, awareness and consulting services.  In 21 months, Second Chance has diverted 561,504 pounds of organic matter, including 233,396 pounds of food scraps, and has  made 50 partners locally.

Marina Dominguez, the Head of the Katunemo Arts Collective, received the Under 40 Change-Maker award for working to support immigrants in building their businesses as entrepreneurs, artists, and performers. As an adjunct fellow at TDI Mass Development, Dominquez helps immigrants who desire to become business owners in the Pittsfield district. Dominguez acts as the bridge between two cultures, guiding them with a familiar language and knowledge of their culture. Bringing to light the diverse cultures and identities, creating connections, events, and opportunities for local small businesses and artists are the things that Dominguez is most proud of.

The Nonprofit Collaborator award was presented to the Latinas413, a unique organization for Latina women, led by Latina women. Carmen Guevara from El Salvador is a founding board member of Latinas413, dedicating herself to advancing the organization’s mission of amplifying the voices, talents, and interests of Latinas throughout Berkshire County. Guevara is deeply committed to promoting higher education, and encouraging and supporting fellow Latinas in their personal and professional growth.Guevara also serves as the coordinator of the mentorship program at Latinas413, pairing Latina women mentors with Latina women mentees. Latinas413 is committed to easing the path for others, ensuring they have the resources and encouragement needed to succeed.

The Breaking the Mold award was given to Dri, a Berkshire-based, innovative company that has created an eco-friendly, durable umbrella focused on sustainability and conscious consumerism. In order to mitigate the worst impacts of plastic pollution and climate change, Dri builds rain umbrellas from recycled ocean-bound plastic, and has diverted over 16,000 plastic bottles from entering our oceans.  Dri’s team intercepts the plastic before it begins to break up into microplastics and nanoplastics in our oceans, bringing it to local recycling centers, where it’s shaved to plastic flakes. From there it is sent to the fabric mill, where it’s turned into sheets of polyester fabric which is hand-sewn onto Dri’s strong umbrella frames. The handle is also crafted using sustainable materials.

The Advancing Our Economy award was presented to Moresi & Associates for providing commercial and residential development and property management services throughout Western Massachusetts, Southern Vermont, and Eastern New York.  Started in 2000 by David Moresi, the firm today employs more than 50 talented individuals, highly skilled in all aspects of real estate management and construction.  Unique to the firm is the in-house staff of licensed tradesmen and maintenance technicians that allows Moresi & Associates to serve their clients unlike any other firm.

Closing out the evening, The Fairbank Group was recognized as the special honoree for Putting the Berkshires on the Map in recognition of the meaningful contribution they and their businesses have made to the Berkshire economy. The Fairbank Group, headed by the father-son team of Brian and Tyler Fairbank, is driven to build things to last – not only businesses, but the relationships and partnerships that stand behind them. Since 2008, The Fairbank Group has been expanding its eclectic portfolio of businesses. This portfolio includes three resorts—Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort, Cranmore Mountain Resort, and Bromley Mountain Ski Resort—and real estate development at all three resorts, in addition to a renewable energy development company, EOS Ventures, and two technology companies, Snowgun Technology and Bullwheel Productions. The Fairbank Group entities go far beyond that of a profit motive and are intrinsically aligned with the Berkshire Blueprint work. 1Berkshire was happy to honor them tonight for their ongoing commitment to our Berkshire community.

1Berkshire thanks everyone who attended tonight’s event and looks forward to continuing the Celebrate the Berkshires tradition in 2025.

About 1Berkshire

1Berkshire is a county-wide organization focused on economic development and promotion of the region as a preferred place to visit, to live, to work, and to grow a business. It provides programs that connect businesses with each other and with potential customers, as well as works to develop future leaders and support entrepreneurs. For more information, visit

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