Jonathan Butler grew up in Adams, graduated from Hoosac Valley High School, attended college in New Hampshire, and began his professional career in Boston. It was a well-worn path for millennials, those between the ages of 20 and 36, who grew up in the Berkshires: Leave the county to attend college, go to an urban area where the opportunities for career advancement were greater, and never come back. That scenario, accelerated by changes in the Berkshire economy, has left a significant hole in the county’s population. But not everyone turned their backs on the Berkshires. Butler, 35, is one of the millennials who came back. He returned to the Berkshires nine years ago to become the town administrator in Adams, then became president and CEO of 1Berkshire, the county’s leading economic development agency. Now, he’s trying to get more of his peers to remain here, settle here or return home. Read more about attracting millennials to the Berkshires >>