Take a look at some of the latest Berkshire headlines. Here you will find news from 1Berkshire in regards to company updates and what is happening with economic development throughout the region as well as press from national media outlets covering the area.

18 02, 2019

Spend a Night Out

2019-02-12T12:27:00-05:00February 18th, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: |

Location: 1897 Hampton Terrace Locals know the secret. All of those incredible lodging properties - the same properties that visitors come from around the world to experience - are available in the

12 02, 2019

Cultural Facilities Fund: FY18 Annual Report

2019-02-12T09:21:33-05:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: News|

December 31, 2018 MassDevelopment and the Massachusetts Cultural Council are pleased to submit the 11th annual report on activities of the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund, as required by Chapter 123 of the Acts of