On Thursday, June 17, 2021, the BLP Class of 2021 celebrated their Virtual Commencement. Since April, the Class of 2021 has been participating in a virtual version of the Berkshire Leadership Program. Congrats to all the participants!

Anita Akor
City of Pittsfield/Pittsfield
Municipal Airport

Maya Bahl
Toastmasters International

Jonathan Bishop
General Dynamics Mission

Kayla Brown-Wood
Berkshire Family and
Individual Resources

Eammon Coughlin
Town of Adams

Tia-Marie Damman
General Dynamics Mission

Michelle Decepida
General Dynamics Mission

Nicole Hall
General Dynamics Mission

Mark Hawthorne
General Dynamics Mission

Michelle Lopez
Berkshire Immigrant Center

Frederic MacDonald-Dennis
Berkshire Community College

Ellen Manley
Becket Athenaeum

Kelan O’Brien
Williams College

Jay Ogle
Berkshire Bank

iin Purwanti
Cinta Hutan Foundation
and Outpost

Emma Roberts
Iredale Cosmetics

Karen Ruiz León
Berkshire Community College

Holly Simeone
Berkshire Money Management

Kristin Winsett
Berkshire Community College